How to install samba server on centos 7 with and without user and password

First, we must install package samba and accept all dependencies.

yum install samba -y

Create user, who can access our samba secure folder:

useradd -s /sbin/nologin user
groupadd smbgroup
usermod -a -G smbgroup user
smbpasswd -a user

Then, create a directories for samba shares. Chcon command mark our directory with label, that SELinux allows samba service to operate with this folder. Another possibility is disable SELinux, but it is not the right way 🙂

#for anonymous
mkdir -p /mnt/aaa
chmod -R 0777 /mnt/aaa
chcon -t samba_share_t /mnt/aaa -R
chown -R nobody:nobody /mnt/aaa
#for another secure user
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/kadeco/
chmod -R 0755 /mnt/nfs/kadeco/
chcon -t samba_share_t /mnt/nfs/kadeco/ -R
chown -R user:smbgroup /mnt/nfs/kadeco/
restorecon -R /mnt/nfs/kadeco/

Edit samba config for ours anonymous and secure shares

vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
 workgroup = home
 security = user
 passdb backend = tdbsam
 printing = cups
 printcap name = cups
 load printers = yes
 cups options = raw
 map to guest = bad user
        path = /mnt/aaa
        writable = yes
        browsable = yes
        guest ok = yes
        create mode = 0777
        directory mode = 0777
        path = /mnt/nfs/kadeco
        writable = yes
        browsable = yes
        guest ok = no
        valid users = user
        create mask = 0755
        directory mask = 0755
        read only = No

Now, we can see our configuration of samba by this command and test it for errors:


Next, if we use firewall, we must add some ports, or service for samba to allow:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=137/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=138/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=139/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=445/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=901/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
or we can use simple:
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=samba
firewall-cmd --reload

And finally, start samba services and enable it, after reboot.

systemctl start smb.service
systemctl start nmb.service
systemctl enable smb.service
systemctl enable nmb.service

A way to restart samba services:

systemctl restart smb
systemctl restart nmb

And now we can use our samba server. Anonymous folder, or secured folder 🙂

If you want to access some folder for read from apache, just made a selinux modify:

Allow samba read/write access everywhere:

setsebool -P samba_export_all_rw 1
or if you want to be a little more descrite about it:
chcon -t public_content_rw_t /mnt/nfs/kadeco
2) setsebool -P allow_smbd_anon_write 1
3) setsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write 1

This should allow both Samaba and Apache write access to public_content_rw_t context.

Status of samba we can list by this commands:

smbstatus -p
- show list of samba processes
smbstatus -S
- show samba shares
smbstatus -L
- show samba locks

If we need restart samba process, or restart server, we can list locked files by “smbstatus -L”. We can see, which share is locked and which specific file is accessing.

Have fun

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